I'm sure that there's some deep symbolism in the fact that these beautiful, seemingly fluffy flowers soon turn into sharp, merciless thorns. I'm not sure what it is... :)
Here's a ruby that I found last year, and came across now, looking through my archives:
Click on the photo, if you'd like to get a closer view. And do check out Mary's blog, Work of the Poet, for more rubies of the day. Happy Ruby Tuesday, everyone!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Mellow Yellow - who would've thought?
I really enjoy the Mellow Yellow Monday blog - for years, had you asked me, I would have told you that yellow was my favorite color. But sadly, I rarely find many yellow things to photograph. That's why I was so pleased to find this on my way to work this morning:
Do check out more Mellow Yellow photography, here. Happy Monday, everyone!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Shadow Shot - my office desk
I caught this one last week, when I found the sun bouncing off my stapler. Hmm... does Shadow Shot Sunday accept reflections, too? I guess we'll find out :)
For more Shadows (and perhaps reflections) check out Hey Harriet. Have a great day, everyone!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Skywatch - a quilted sky
On my way to work last week, I noticed that the sky was covered with a lovely quilt of clouds. I thought it was just so cool!
Not dramatic, not overwhelming, but very peaceful, somehow. Mellow, really - like the whole world was cuddled up under the covers :)
Feel free to click on the photo to get an even puffier view. And do check out more sky-oriented photography of the week at Skywatch Friday. Happy Skywatching, everyone!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dark Stained Glass
I went to a comedy show in the Beit Shemesh community center a few weeks ago, and found this impressive stained glass window. And naturally, it was nighttime! Now I need to find an excuse to go back there at a sunnier hour...
I don't know, I think it's pretty, even in the dark :)
Feel free to click on the photo, to get a better view. And do check out more window (and door!) views at Mary's blog. Happy Window Wednesday, everyone!
Monday, December 21, 2009
In retrospect...
...had I been thinking straight, I probably should have dropped the camera, grabbed the kids, and fled for our lives.
Well, that's kind of a joke. I mean, no one really flees a sunset, right? And yet, if ever I witnessed anything that remotely mimicked Divine Wrath like I remember from movies like The Ten Commandments as a kid, yesterday's sunset was it. I mean, look at this!
Well, that's kind of a joke. I mean, no one really flees a sunset, right? And yet, if ever I witnessed anything that remotely mimicked Divine Wrath like I remember from movies like The Ten Commandments as a kid, yesterday's sunset was it. I mean, look at this!
In real life, the sky was glowing a deep magenta. I know that my camera picked it up as orange, but that's not what my eyes saw. If anyone out there has any advice on how to make my Canon PowerShot A530 see the pink that I saw, I would totally appreciate it!
For more reddish photography of the week, do visit Mary's blog, Work of the Poet. Happy Ruby Tuesday, everyone!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Shadow Shot - at last...
Well, it's been a few weeks since I've had the opportunity to participate in this meme. But when I found this cool shadow a few days ago, I knew my hiatus was over :)
Do check out Hey Harriet's blog to check out more shadowy photography. Happy Shadow Shot Sunday, everyone!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Another breathtaking sunset in my neighborhood
What do you think of this one? I'm so glad to finally have a place to share these with everyone!
Feel free to click on the photo to enlarge it - it's even nicer, close up :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Chanuka Windows
Here in Israel, we're deep into the Chanuka season. No wreaths and trees for us; we're surrounded by fried jelly doughnuts, fried potato pancakes, and of course, Menoras. As my husband pointed out earlier this week, Chanuka certainly does not seem to be a festival of light. With all of this oil-rich food, we're gaining weight in our sleep :)
Anyway, here's a festive shot of our kitchen window, tonight:
Anyway, here's a festive shot of our kitchen window, tonight:
As always, feel free to click on the picture, to get a closer view. And do check out more window (and door) shots of the week, here.
Happy Wednesday, everyone! And happy holidays!
Monday, December 14, 2009
What the kids *really* want
So as I've mentioned, it's been rainy-ish, and we're happy about it. But my kids are not quite satisfied. Each morning they wake and ask, "will it snow today?" Snow here in Israel is pretty rare - we usually get a snowy day or two only once a year, and last year we didn't get even one! So that's what they're hoping for (complete with a day off from school, of course).
I was looking through some old photos, and found this - a ruby in the snow, from two years ago:
I was looking through some old photos, and found this - a ruby in the snow, from two years ago:
I really think it's still a bit early for snow, but it can't hurt to hope :)
Do check out more Ruby Tuesday photos, here. Happy Tuesday, everyone!
12 Kuvaa #4
Here's my latest installment of 12 Kuvaa - that cool as anything meme that follows the changing seasons around the world. We've been taking the same picture, the same time of day, around the same time of the month, every month. How fun is that?
To refresh your memories, here's my first entry, from September. My photo is of the park across the street from our house:
Now, here's the same shot from October:
And November:
And now, here's this month's entry. I was hoping to get a rainy shot, but the time of day didn't work out... that's okay.
Not rainy, no, but the leaves are definitely more sparse. What a cool meme this is!
Do check out more photos from around the world at 12 Kuvaa. See you next month!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sunset Surprise
Even though I'm lucky enough to view great sunsets almost every day, I'm still enchanted by them. Each one seems magical! Here's the one I found this afternoon, on my way home from work:
As always, feel free to click on the photo to enlarge it. And do check out more sky photography here. Happy Skywatching, everyone!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Beach Windows
Today is a cloudy, rainy day. Yea! We're still excited about the rain here in Israel, which will hopefully prove to squash our drought status. But it's not great photography weather. Which is why I'll take this opportunity to flash back to this previous August: my husband and I took a weekend off, and were strolling down the beach in Nahariya. There were some lovely beachfront homes that I wanted to remember, and so I took a few shots. Here's one of them:
Feel free to click on the photo to enlarge it, and get a better view. And check out more Window and Door views of the week, here! Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Monday, December 7, 2009
What are these rubies?
I'm not exactly sure, but they're my latest find from the parking lot at work. Turns out, that place is overflowing with red! Remember my previous finds, here and here?
Feel free to click on the photo to get a fuller, closer up experience :)
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Today's Flowers
It's been a long time since I posted anything at the Today's Flowers meme - I've been pretty addicted to Shadow Shot Sunday, and just haven't had time for both. But I don't want to neglect the flowers on my blog, especially since I sometimes come across some pretty nice ones. This, for example, is sitting on my desk at work, and seems to be feeling quite friendly. Its flowers are usually all white with just a small smudge of magenta - this is the most non-white one that's popped out so far:
Lovely, right? This plant was one of the first posts on my blog - you may remember it from here. I love its ruffly edges and its brilliant white color! Great combination, if I say so myself.
Anyway, do check out more flower posts at Today's Flowers. Have a great week, everyone!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Better late than never - Skywatch Friday!
Here's a nice moonrise I bumped into accidentally, earlier this week. I was innocently getting into my car, when I happened to glance to the left. So pretty, don't you think?
And that's why I keep my camera in my bag :)
For more sky photography, click here. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A Ruby Tuesday Sunset
I caught this one on my way home from work yesterday. I don't like the sun setting so early, but I might not have seen it if I were already resting on the couch :)
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
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