Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Windows? Doorways? Maybe.

Here's a photo that I took over the summer, and have wanted to post for some time. I just now decided that it fits into the Windows and Doors meme. I'm not entirely convinced that it does, but, well, yeah, I think so.

It's a cool photo, anyway!

Trust me, we were there, it was cool. Nothing's like the Old City of Jerusalem! Click on the photo if you'd like to enlarge it, and get a more textured view.

Check out more photos of Windows and Doors here! Happy Wednesday, everyone!


Carolyn Ford said...

That's an incredible image. There are it fits for sure...I like the amazing archways and an almost tunnel feel to this walkway. Seeing people walking through it makes it come alive. It's hard to imagine the history and the stories of those who have passed through here. Beautiful image!

Anonymous said...

Definitely fits into the windows and doors meme...if you ask me. :) What a great view of a stairway between buildings! I like the perspective very much.

VioletSky said...

This definitely fits the theme. It is so interesting to see a street scene that is so different from the North American norm.

toby said...

Thanks, everyone! And thanks for backing me up :)
I agree, this isn't anything like an average Israeli street, either! But regular, everyday people do live there! Amazing.

Lew said...

Yes, a delightful windows (and more) post!

Sara at Come Away With Me said...

Well, I see both windows and doors in this fantastic shot, so I'd say it fits the meme very well. And I totally agree with you, there's nothing like the Old City Jerusalem! How I'd love to walk those streets again. This is a beautiful photo - thanks for sharing it.

BLOGitse said...

That looks...history! Beautiful!