Monday, December 17, 2012

Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! #55

Welcome back to your favorite little meme!
Here are some interesting staircase windows that I found, and really liked. Aren't they adorable?

Now it's your turn! To participate in Whimsical Windows, Delirious Doors! just post a photo of a window, door, or anything architectural, link here, and sign up in the widget. Don't forget to visit the other players - it's so much fun to see what's been posted from all over the world! 
Have a great week, everyone!


Ralph said...

The whimsy comes about really in the second view - the angular look is zany and really delirious! Cool windows on a great building! The design compels us to look inside...

Lesley said...

those are great windows for privacy but still letting in light. I also like the look of theglass fronted railing.

Dina said...

Very interesting. You don't often see such an arrangement.
Nice reflections too.

I'm adding my weekly Psalm illustration here, hoping the Temple doors and windows will count for your meme. Enlarging the photo will let you actually see them in all their glory.

Robin said...

That second one is making me dizzy! I bet those windows look fabulous from inside.

sparrow said...

I love the second photo. It looks like the inspiration for an Escher painting. I'm with Robin, I feel a bit bilious looking at it, like I am on the high seas, and I'm trying to walk up something that won't stay still!

toby said...

Thanks, everyone! I debated quite a bit before posting that second photo - I have another one taken straight on, which is easier to look at, but less, well, less interesting, I guess. Sorry if I made you sick to your stomachs :)

Come Away With Me said...

I think it's so interesting to have windows matched to steps like that!