Here in Israel, the trees don't all agree with the idea of Autumn. Some go for it, some really don't, and some don't even remember to vote. Generally, around November, you find a tree or two turning brownish, and after a couple of months you realize that its leaves have fallen off. But Autumn here does not include the brilliant reds and oranges that I remember from my childhood. Oh, well - that's okay.
Anyway, I was driving to work a couple of days ago, when I came across these - they were a lovely surprise. For us, this is foliage!
So pretty, right?
For more Mellow Yellow Monday photos, click here. Happy Monday, everyone!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Cloud Shadows
Hmm, it's Shadow Shot Sunday. I know! Here are some cool shots of clouds... and their shadows on the hilltops:
Ah, what fun! I could watch these shadows move around all day long...
For the latest shadow shots from around the world, click here. Have a great week, everyone!
Ah, what fun! I could watch these shadows move around all day long...
For the latest shadow shots from around the world, click here. Have a great week, everyone!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Skywatch Grandeur
Here are some sunny, dramatic clouds that I found a few weeks ago - I just realized that I never got around to posting them. Enjoy!
Click here for more sky-oriented photos of the week. Happy Skywatch Friday, everyone!
Click here for more sky-oriented photos of the week. Happy Skywatch Friday, everyone!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thursday Challenge: Energy
Here's a Thursday meme that Leora showed me - it's called Thursday Challenge, and it's hosted by Dale. Each week there is a different topic to photograph; last week was music, which I didn't manage to pull off. This week, the topic is energy. I found this at work, and thought it might be appropriate:
Isn't that pretty? I really like the squiggly light. But really, when I think of energy here in Israel, this is what comes to mind (although it's not as aesthetically pleasing):
Yes, my friends, those can be found on nearly all rooftops, here in mostly-sunny Israel. Those are solar-powered water heaters! In Hebrew, each is called a dude shemesh. Shemesh means sun, and dude is for "dude! check out the free hot water!" No, no, that's not really the etymology, but dude is definitely one of the funnier words for us English-speaking immigrants to use...
Check out more Thursday Challenge entries here! Happy Thanksgiving!
Isn't that pretty? I really like the squiggly light. But really, when I think of energy here in Israel, this is what comes to mind (although it's not as aesthetically pleasing):
Yes, my friends, those can be found on nearly all rooftops, here in mostly-sunny Israel. Those are solar-powered water heaters! In Hebrew, each is called a dude shemesh. Shemesh means sun, and dude is for "dude! check out the free hot water!" No, no, that's not really the etymology, but dude is definitely one of the funnier words for us English-speaking immigrants to use...
Check out more Thursday Challenge entries here! Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A lovely little window
Here's another local window that I found to photograph. It seemed kind of charming to me.
Hmm, come to think of it, maybe I should have saved that one for a shadow shot... oh well :)
To see lots more pictures of windows (and doors), click here. Have a great day, everyone!
Hmm, come to think of it, maybe I should have saved that one for a shadow shot... oh well :)
To see lots more pictures of windows (and doors), click here. Have a great day, everyone!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Here's what I made
using yesterday's post:
I sauteed those yellow peppers together with red peppers, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, and lots of red wine. Mmmm.
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
I sauteed those yellow peppers together with red peppers, mushrooms, onions, zucchini, and lots of red wine. Mmmm.
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
So mellow
Here's something I found to post for Mellow Yellow Monday this past week, while grocery shopping. Yum!
To see other people's yellow photography, click here. Happy Monday, everyone!
Indoor Fireworks
Here's my weekly shadowy find. Thanks again to Hey Harriet for starting and continuing this fun meme! This is an easy one, found in my living room:
That's all, folks! Do check out more cool looks into the world of light and shadow, here!
That's all, folks! Do check out more cool looks into the world of light and shadow, here!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Crazy Cloudy Sunset
This past Monday I came home from work, and was greeted by this:
Please understand, these aren't black and white photos - that's just as colorful as it was outside. I was in a rush to go to a friend's house, so I wasn't paying much attention, but ten minutes later, when I happened to glance outside again, it had become this!
I thought it was pretty cool and dramatic, so I quickly took a photo. About five minutes went by, and it had turned into this - similar, but also cool:
Happy Skywatch Friday, everyone! For more sky oriented photos from all around the world, click here.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Windows? Doorways? Maybe.
Here's a photo that I took over the summer, and have wanted to post for some time. I just now decided that it fits into the Windows and Doors meme. I'm not entirely convinced that it does, but, well, yeah, I think so.
It's a cool photo, anyway!
Trust me, we were there, it was cool. Nothing's like the Old City of Jerusalem! Click on the photo if you'd like to enlarge it, and get a more textured view.
Check out more photos of Windows and Doors here! Happy Wednesday, everyone!
It's a cool photo, anyway!
Trust me, we were there, it was cool. Nothing's like the Old City of Jerusalem! Click on the photo if you'd like to enlarge it, and get a more textured view.
Check out more photos of Windows and Doors here! Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
12 Kuvaa (better late than never?)
Well, here I am at last! I apologize for the delay - I hope my update is worth the wait :)
For those of you who don't know, 12 Kuvaa is a monthly meme that started in September. People from all over the world are photographing scenes in the same place, at the same time of day, so that we can watch the seasons go by. What could be cooler?
Here's my first submission, from September. The view is of the park in front of my house:
Here's the same scene, from October:
For those of you who don't know, 12 Kuvaa is a monthly meme that started in September. People from all over the world are photographing scenes in the same place, at the same time of day, so that we can watch the seasons go by. What could be cooler?
Here's my first submission, from September. The view is of the park in front of my house:
Here's the same scene, from October:
That's all, folks! Don't forget to check out how November looks to everyone else, here! And stay tuned next month for our next installment!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Fluffy flowers
Here's a pretty bunch that I caught at the botanical gardens a couple of years ago. Aren't they adorable?
Do check out more flowers of the day here. Happy Sunday, everyone!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Shadow Shot - a little early
This one seems a little silly, but I couldn't resist. My daughter and I noticed these Mickey Mouse ears while walking down the sidewalk in Jerusalem, a few weeks ago:
Do check out more fun shadow photography from this week, at Hey Harriet!
Do check out more fun shadow photography from this week, at Hey Harriet!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Skywatch - so easy
Skywatch is the easiest meme for me - I constantly find myself taking pictures of cloud formations, sunrises, and sunsets. I've probably got enough to post one a day, to tell the truth. So the difficulty for me is choosing a favorite to post once a week :)
Here's my choice this week: a sunset.
Here's my choice this week: a sunset.
Don't forget to check out more sky photography at Skywatch Friday. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Just Thursday
No meme for me today - it's just a regular, miscellaneous photo. I've been looking for the perfect chala recipe for a long time now, and I think I may have finally found it! These turn out fluffy on the inside, with a really delicious, crispy crust. At any rate, I thought this batch looked so pretty, I just had to photograph it:
They look even better close up - feel free to click on the photo, to enlarge it.
That's all, folks. Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Efrat Windows
I decided to look for some local windows this week. What's that saying from The Wizard of Oz? Something about not looking further than your own backyard? So that's really true in this case - here are some windows from... my apartment!
We live in the top two floors of an apartment building in Efrat. Even before we had ever stepped foot inside, this "turret" look had always intrigued me. What fun it must be to live in a castle! Can you guess what's inside that cylindrical shape?
I also like the little square-inside-a-circle window, although it certainly could use a cleaning!
Do check out more window (and door) photography here, hosted by Mary. Happy Wednesday, everyone!
We live in the top two floors of an apartment building in Efrat. Even before we had ever stepped foot inside, this "turret" look had always intrigued me. What fun it must be to live in a castle! Can you guess what's inside that cylindrical shape?
I also like the little square-inside-a-circle window, although it certainly could use a cleaning!
Do check out more window (and door) photography here, hosted by Mary. Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
More parking lot rubies
Who would have thought that my parking lot at work would be such a treasure trove! (Surely you remember its previous contribution.) I bumped into these rubies yesterday afternoon, as I was leaving:
Feel free to click on the photo to enlarge, and get a better view. And do check out more entries for Ruby Tuesday at Work of the Poet, here. Happy Tuesday, everyone!
Feel free to click on the photo to enlarge, and get a better view. And do check out more entries for Ruby Tuesday at Work of the Poet, here. Happy Tuesday, everyone!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Mellow Yellow Monday - I'm trying!
I have fond memories of the song "Mellow Yellow." I even referred to it in a different post on my other blog, here. And so, I really like the idea behind the meme with the same name, Mellow Yellow Monday, wherein we're meant to post photos of yellow on Mondays.
And yet, I'm having a hard time with it. Most of the yellow things that I come across are either road signs of some sort, or taxis, and what can I say - those just aren't mellow. Yes, I've found the mellow, and I've found the yellow - but no, they don't tend to be in the same photos...
This afternoon I caught the sun setting. It was absolutely mellow, and fairly yellow. What do we say - does this count?
Feel free to click on the photo to enlarge. And do check out some truly mellow (and yellow) photos here!
And yet, I'm having a hard time with it. Most of the yellow things that I come across are either road signs of some sort, or taxis, and what can I say - those just aren't mellow. Yes, I've found the mellow, and I've found the yellow - but no, they don't tend to be in the same photos...
This afternoon I caught the sun setting. It was absolutely mellow, and fairly yellow. What do we say - does this count?
Feel free to click on the photo to enlarge. And do check out some truly mellow (and yellow) photos here!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Shadow shadow on the wall
Here's my entry for this week's Shadow Shot Sunday. I have to say, this meme is so much fun! It's really gotten me looking for things that I just wouldn't have, otherwise. I hope to keep up with it weekly!
This is the shadow of last year's flowerboxes onto the wall of my front balcony. The flowers in these boxes, sad to say, look much better in shadow than straight on :) But never fear, I'll go to the nursery soon to replace them with something a bit more alive.
Click on the photo to enlarge it, if you so desire. I especially like how the stone wall makes the straight lines of the railing look all squiggly. How fun!
Don't forget to check out more cool shadow photography on Hey Harriet's blog, here. Happy Shadow Shot Sunday, everyone!
This is the shadow of last year's flowerboxes onto the wall of my front balcony. The flowers in these boxes, sad to say, look much better in shadow than straight on :) But never fear, I'll go to the nursery soon to replace them with something a bit more alive.
Click on the photo to enlarge it, if you so desire. I especially like how the stone wall makes the straight lines of the railing look all squiggly. How fun!
Don't forget to check out more cool shadow photography on Hey Harriet's blog, here. Happy Shadow Shot Sunday, everyone!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
What can you find?
It turns out, I'm a big fan of clouds. They come in so many shapes, sizes, and colors; I think I'm a bit enamored.
When I was a kid I used to see things in the clouds - I don't as much now that I'm (trying to pass as) an adult. But when I was looking at this photo, my son looked over my shoulder, and said, "hey, a bear!" So I guess maybe it's genetic.
What can you find in here?
When I was a kid I used to see things in the clouds - I don't as much now that I'm (trying to pass as) an adult. But when I was looking at this photo, my son looked over my shoulder, and said, "hey, a bear!" So I guess maybe it's genetic.
What can you find in here?
Do go and check out sky photography from all over the world here. Happy Skywatch Friday, everyone!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Crazy Cool Windows in Jerusalem
I found myself in the Russian Compound neighborhood of Jerusalem earlier this year, just walking around. There is some really funky architecture there! Among others, I found this stone tower:
Feel free to click on the image to enlarge it, as always. Interesting that all of my window posts (so far) have been from Jerusalem! I'll have to look for something more local for next week...
Don't forget to check out other window and door photos of the week here!
Feel free to click on the image to enlarge it, as always. Interesting that all of my window posts (so far) have been from Jerusalem! I'll have to look for something more local for next week...
Don't forget to check out other window and door photos of the week here!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Ruby Rooftops in the Rain
It's raining! After a couple of official drought years here in Israel, we're pretty excited. In the last two days, it's already rained enough for more than an average October and November combined! Here's a shot of our wet neighborhood, through a rainy window:
Woo hoo! (Did I menion that we're excited?)
If you click on the photo to enlarge it, check out the cool warp effect that the wet window has on the view in some places - fun! I might start playing with this, if I have a chance...
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Woo hoo! (Did I menion that we're excited?)
If you click on the photo to enlarge it, check out the cool warp effect that the wet window has on the view in some places - fun! I might start playing with this, if I have a chance...
Don't forget: On Tuesdays, just post any photo you like (it must be one of your own) that contains the color RED and then link to this blog. Happy Ruby Tuesday!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Shadow Shot Again
So there I was, looking for a shadow to photograph, and I just couldn't find one. When all of a sudden, I noticed this on my staircase:
Not breathaking, I know, but definitely shadowy. And definitely interesting!
For more cool shadow-inspired shots, click here. Enjoy!
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