Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Efrat Windows

I decided to look for some local windows this week. What's that saying from The Wizard of Oz? Something about not looking further than your own backyard? So that's really true in this case - here are some windows from... my apartment!

We live in the top two floors of an apartment building in Efrat. Even before we had ever stepped foot inside, this "turret" look had always intrigued me. What fun it must be to live in a castle! Can you guess what's inside that cylindrical shape?

I also like the little square-inside-a-circle window, although it certainly could use a cleaning!

Do check out more window (and door) photography here, hosted by Mary. Happy Wednesday, everyone!


maryt/theteach said...

Oh how lucky you are to live in a turret, Toby! Great Window Views post! :)

Anonymous said...

The little square within a circle was the first thing I noticed, too. Very nice, and I like the turrets!

BLOGitse said...

Do they sit in that balcony? :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to think it's a sitting room inside that lovely shape.

Vicki ~ FL said...

Great shot.....we don't have to go far to find something to 'shoot' if we just take the time to look for it and that's what I have to do. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

toby said...

maryt/theteach - I am lucky, thanks :)
Josie Ray - thank you!
BLOGitse - the succulents live on that balcony :)
Stine - nope, it's a staircase!
Vicki - it's true, just looking around, I can usually find something to capture...

Dianne said...

I would be intrigued by this building too!
and to live in it must be wonderful!!

Pie said...

Oh wow, you live in a turret! You have a very interesting place.

Mine are here and here.

Pat said...

This building has an ancient and a modern look to it at the same time. That is a unique window (square within a circle).

Leora said...

"Can you guess what's inside that cylindrical shape?" - did you ever answer this? staircase?