A few weeks ago, we celebrated Yom HaAtsma'ut - Israel's Independence Day. A popular custom on Yom HaAtsma'ut is to go hiking, and explore this tiny but wonderful country that we live in. This year we went wandering around a place called Motsa with friends, and it was beautiful! Actually, we first stumbled upon a 9/11 memorial, which was a real surprise. I didn't know that Israel even had a 9/11 memorial!
It (a bit shockingly) contains an actual beam from Ground Zero.
(feel free to click on that one, if it's hard to read and you'd like a better look)
Anyway, we then moved on to being impressed by more natural beauty:
And at the very end, my friend Dena even found a shadow for me, making it that much more perfect :)
That's all, folks! Naturally, I'm posting this to Shadow Shot Sunday, that always cool meme hosted at Hey Harriet. Go check it out, for more cool, shadowy photography from all over the world.
My little point and shoot camera is great for a lot of things, but I have to be honest - it doesn't do too well at night. One day I'll probably give in and buy myself a "real" camera. In the meantime, I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that I have a great camera that I love, that works really well for around twelve hours a day :)
And yet, when I found myself passing under that controversial bridge in Jerusalem last night, I was so taken that I decided I just had to try to capture it. I had never been so close to it at night before, and somehow, it seemed to actually glow! The effect of the white cables against the dark sky was really cool, and I was pretty excited. And so, although this photo doesn't do justice, I'm posting it - it's the best I've got (for now):
I guess you had to be there :)
Anyway, I'm posting this to Skywatch Friday. Go there right now if you'd like to see lots more sky photography from all over the world. Have a great weekend, all of you!
It makes me a bit sad that I haven't had time for blogging recently. I hope to soon have more time to spend on it! But in the meantime, I'm taking three minutes to post this almost-sunset shot to Skywatch Friday:
I really enjoy the little cloud flecks here! Go to Skywatch now to see more cool sky-oriented photography!
And while I have your attention, do pay a visit to Ilana-Davita, who recently hosted JPix, the Jewish Photo Bloggers’ Blog Carnival. Thanks, Ilana-Davita, for posting the two photos that I submitted, and for doing such a beautiful job!
Well, this week's theme on Fifty-Two Frames (that Facebook meme that I was telling you about) was Black and White. So intriguing! But, unfortunately for me, my camera doesn't seem to have a b&w setting. So for the first time ever, I adjusted a photo into something new with Windows Picture Manager. I've really never done anything with black and white before - it's a whole new art form for me. And it was especially tricky, since I couldn't see what the photos would look like until I got them onto my computer. I had a feeling that something with some interesting shading and texture would be interesting... anyway, here's the photo that I chose to post - both before and after:
It's not fantastic, but it's definitely the best of the options that I had. Also, like most things I post here, it looks better close up, so feel free to click on the photo to get a better view! And please feel free to offer comments and suggestions - I'm really interested in black and white tips!
Also, on the off chance that this qualifies for my favorite meme, Shadow Shot Sunday, I'm going to post this there as well, at Hey Harriet. Go check it out now - you'll be glad you did!